Temple Talents was founded on the principle of God's word that tells us that every believer is a temple for His Holy Spirit (Bible reference: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Once filled with the Spirit, believers are enabled, empowered, and expected, to use the abilities, gifts, and talents entrusted to us by God, in order to bring Him glory, and enrich our lives.
Temple Talents, LLC is the Parent company of the following:
Kingdom Warriors In Christ (KWIC)
Chayah Creations - Original artwork inspired by Bible verses
At Temple Talents, LLC, it is our desire help enable you to strengthen your temples (bodies), so that you are empowered to use your talents for God's glory.
If you would like to help finance the ministry efforts done for God's kingdom through Temple Talents, LLC, please feel free to make a donation of any amount.
Thank you for your support! God bless you, in Jesus' name!